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EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: "Schemin" Video - Geoffro Cause Ft Cam Meekins

Three time Grammy winning songwriter and producer, Geoffro Cause, has released yet another banger, and the guy has got a whole new bag of tricks we haven't really seen from him before.. did you know he could rap? We didn't either.  As soon as the beat kicks in, you feel like you're strapping yourself in for story time - and this video paints a very visual picture of the type of cunning deceit Geoffro describes in his lyrics. By the sounds of it, Geoffro found himself in a relationship with suspicions of a hidden agenda.

"Funny thing is, I kinda sat on this song idea for a while. It started the melody and piano with a simple beat a few years back in Cleveland. Then in 2016, I took a trip to Thailand. I was literally free-styling the rap lyrics while standing in the gulf of Thailand. The rap came easy to me and I recorded a bunch of voice notes."

Cam Meekin's clearly grasped the concept quickly and sprinkled in his own views and commentary on the subject, and by the sounds of it, has also found himself in similar situations, because he absolutely nails it. 

But how did this collaboration come to be, you may ask?

"I’ve worked with Cam a lot in the past. Including producing some of his popular songs “You” and “Lamp City Family”. I started writing the Schemin hook thinking I’d make the song for him. Once I had my verse he suggested I keep it as my song. He came by my studio....funny enough just after nearly being attacked by a crazy guy with a knife in Downtown LA. So you could say he was still high on adrenaline. He came up with his verse real quick and helped nail the topic of people 'schemin' on each other. The beat was right in his style so it came together perfectly."

The music video takes place around an underground poker game, (co-staring actress Mena Santoss), and exemplifies the concept of modern day 'schemin' and hustlin' perfectly. 

"My homie, Tom Kondilas from Cleveland, came up with the video story line and directed the whole thing. He’s one of those super talented does-everything types. I just told him to have fun with it...and he came back to me with a parallel story of some schemin action. I’m a big fan of videos with a story line - especially if they tell another story that compliments the music in its own way. We shot it in one day during an all-day rain storm in South LA. The whole crew was on point."

Check out the video below in all it's gun slingin' glory. 




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